Tuesday, March 21, 2017

A Woman financial exploitation of vulnerable adults

Financial Exploitation of Vulnerable Adults

Fraud Against Seniors

This woman, Brenda Groffo, has financial exploitation of vulnerable adults like my dad. She is stealing from my dad financially. If anyone knows where this woman lives, please let me know. She has taken my dad for a lot of money. More money than I will ever see in my lifetime. Brenda Groffo is an evil person.

She has lied to him and almost got him to marry her. I believe he has told her how much life insurance there is. She even knew when he went to the hospital. That means they are watching him.

She has two social security numbers. She is a criminal, so don't rent to this woman. Don't do business with Brenda Groffo, whoever she is. Don't buy anything from this woman. My dad bought her the dress and shoes she is wearing. He even bought her a $10,000 diamond bracelet. She asked for the receipt to sell it for drugs. Do not trust this woman, Brenda Groffo. She is part of organized crime that prey on the elderly. There are laws against taking advantage of the elderly like she did to my dad. 

We hired a private detective on her and learned much about this woman's history. The last time I heard, she had moved to Pennsylvania from Texas. Probably running from the law. 

Brenda Groffo

Is stealing from the elderly a felony? Yes, it is a crime to steal from the elderly. My dad was heartbroken when he finally figured out this woman. 

She is part of an organized crime in the Dallas area. Please help and contact me at tracimorin7@gmail.com. Thank you!

Brenda Groffo, you need the Lord for ruining people's lives. I will not be taking this down. 

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

50 Reasons we are living in the last days

50 Reasons Why We Are Living In The End Times:

1) Increasing instability of nature.
(Matthew 24:7 & Luke 21:11)

2) Increasing lawlessness and violence.
(Matthew 24:12)

3) Increasing immorality.
(Matthew 24:37)

4) Increasing materialism.
(2 Timothy 3:2)

5) Increasing Hedonism.
(2 Timothy 3:4)

6) Increasing influence of Humanism.
(2 Timothy 3:2)

7) Depraved entertainment.
(2 Timothy 3:4)

8) Calling evil good and good evil.
(2 Timothy 3:3 & Isaiah 5:20)

9) Increasing use of drugs.
(2 Timothy 3:3)

10) Increasing blasphemy.
(2 Timothy 3:2)

11) Increasing paganism.
(2 Timothy 3:1-4)

12) Increasing despair.
(2 Timothy 3:1)

13) Signs in the heavens.
(Luke 21:11,25)

14) Increasing knowledge.
(Daniel 12:4)

15) Increasing travel.
(Daniel 12:4)

16) The explosion of cults.
(Matthew 24:11)

17) The proliferation of false christs.
(Matthew 24:5)

18) Increasing apostasy in the Church.
(2 Timothy 4:3-5)

19) Increasing attacks on Jesus.
(Romans 1:18-19)

20) Increasing attacks on the Bible.
(Romans 1:18-19)

21) Increasing persecution of Christians.
(Matthew 24:9)

22) Increasing occultism.
(1 Timothy 4:1)

23) Wars and rumors of wars.
(Matthew 24:6)

24) Weapons of mass destruction.
(Luke 21:26)

25) Increasing famine.
(Luke 21:11)

26) Increasing pestilence.
(Luke 21:11)

27) Computer technology.
(Revelation 13:7)

28) Television.
(Revelation 11:8-9)

29) Satellite technology.
(Revelation 11:8-9)

30) Virtual reality.
(Revelation 13:14-15)

31) Unification of Europe.
(Daniel 2 & 7)

32) Far Eastern military powers.
(Revelation 9:16 & 16:12)

33) Movement toward world government.
(Daniel 7:23-26)

34) Regathering of the Jews.
(Isaiah 11:10-12)

35) Re-establishment of Israel.
(Isaiah 66:7-8)

36) Reclamation of the land of Israel.
(Ezekiel 36:34-35)

37) Revival of Biblical Hebrew.
(Zephaniah 3:9; Jeremiah 31:23)

38) Re-occupation of Jerusalem.
(Luke 21:24)

39) Resurgence of the Israeli military.
(Zechariah 12:6)

40) Re-focusing of world politics on Israel.
(Zechariah 12:3)

41) Russian threat to Israel.
(Ezekiel 38 and 39)

42) Arab threat to Israel.
(Ezekiel 35 and 36)

43) Denial of the Second Coming.
(2 Peter 3:3-4)

44) Denial of creation by God.
(Romans 1:18-22)

45) Outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
(Joel 2:28-29)

46) Translation of the Bible into many languages.
(Matthew 24:14)

47) Preaching of the Gospel worldwide.
(Matthew 24:14)

48) The revival of Messianic Judaism.
(Romans 9:27)

49) The revival of Davidic praise worship.
(Amos 9:11)

50) The understanding of Bible prophecy.
(Daniel 12:8-9)

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